Space Traveling

Yearning for the cosmos, my heart dreams of space. Amidst twinkling stars and infinite wonders, I yearn to transcend Earth's bounds. Fueled by curiosity, I aspire to float weightlessly, witnessing celestial beauty. A cosmic voyage, a dream to touch the stars, guides my wanderlust beyond our planetary embrace.

Mountain Climbing

Conquering the challenges of scaling big mountains is a profound journey of resilience and determination. Every step up is a triumph over obstacles, pushing physical and mental limits. It involves navigating unpredictable terrain, enduring weather extremes, and facing personal fears. The reward lies not just at the summit, but in the personal growth and newfound strength discovered along the way. It's a testament to the human spirit's ability to overcome challenges and reach new heights, both literally and metaphorically.


Embracing fears and breaking through mental walls, I find solace in experiences like skydiving. The rush of emotions it brings is addictive, creating an incredible splash of feelings within. Achieving License A for skydiving takes the thrill to another level, allowing me to fully enjoy the essence of nature and the freedom life has to offer.

Running Marathon

Embarking on the challenge of running an Ultra Marathon is a significant goal I am determined to achieve. It's not just about the finish line or the glory; it's about the mental battle of conquering something immensely challenging. The real fight happens within the mind, leveling up in the mentality of overcoming personal limitations. Breaking through the 40% mental barrier is a crucial step towards becoming something greater.


Exploring the wonders of the sea and its mesmerizing underwater beauty is an immersive experience. It involves delving into the unique environment of sea creatures, fueled by curiosity about the mysteries of the waters and its inhabitants. This exploration is a journey of understanding and connecting with nature on a deeper level.

Find My Passion

Embarking on the journey to discover my passion and ikigai, I feel divinely guided. It’s a spiritual exploration where I seek activities that align not just with my values but with the greater purpose set by God. This ongoing process is my way of connecting with what truly matters to my heart an


Building a business based on passion is a profound endeavor. It involves transforming something I deeply care about into a meaningful venture. This journey is not just about financial success; it’s about aligning my work with what truly inspires and fulfills me. Creating a venture that not only sustains me economically, but also brings joy and purpose to my professional life.